Apparel Order Form
Apparel will be provided by Mixed Promotions (W/MBE), new apparel items have been added to our selection!
For the next TWO weeks you can place your order via the e-store: CSDP GEAR (
Members who place an order through the e-store within this timeframe will receive an instant $5 shipping discount
Once the e-store closes in two weeks, our supplier will order apparel and items should be shipped to you within a week
After the e-store closes, all orders will need to placed with the new physical order form (another email will be sent containing this in 2 weeks)
CSDP appare, can be worn at CSDP membership meetings and other diversity events you may participate in. A listing of diversity events is contained at the top of our Resources page.
Download the Adobe "pdf" version to complete the form, and either
fax it to Mixed Promotions at 248-783-4099, or
email it to Mixed Promotions as an attachment to
CSDP Wearables Description 2022
CSDP Wearables Order Form 2022